Join me &
Creative Memories
Creative Memories Benefits:
Access to exclusive CM advisor-only products including albums and tools not available for sale
$50 in product credits to use on any products you choose
Commissions on all orders (yours, and anyone who orders from you).
No minimums. No inventory.
Free personal website
Access to advisor exclusive products, sales support, and ALL sketches, ideas and project recipes.
Have you been thinking about becoming an advisor?
I would love to share this opportunity with you!
When you become a member of my community by signing up (just hit the JOIN button on my page) you get an insta-scrap family, and direct access to me and the CM community. You can join my private, ADVISOR-only Facebook group, and join in live training meetings and Zoom Advisor-only crops with me! Learn more about the company and being an advisor by clicking HERE.
Is there a starter kit?
Instead of an assortment of prescribed products, when you join CM you’ll receive CM Credits to use toward the purchase of any products you would like AND you’ll receive a free gift bundle.
Do I need to sign up under an Advisor?
Well, I would love for you to join my team and be part of my community of 200 amazing advisors, but you can also join directly with Home Office. If you choose to do that, you are welcome to ask to be part of my team in the future and the Customer Service Team can make that change for you.
How often does CM introduce new products?
They launch a new product collection at the beginning of each month. There is also generally a mini launch and/or promotion offered mid-month.
Does CM have promotions?
They sure do! They offer frequent promotions like buy one, get one; exclusive gifts with purchase; discounted products; and more. These products do count as “income” when you are an advisor, and will be added to your taxable income.
Are there minimum ordering requirements or inventory requirements?
Nope and nope! We hope that you’ll enjoy the product launches, complete albums and share CM with your friends, family and network while you’re an Advisor. But we do not require any minimums and discourage building inventory.
How do I get paid?
You will receive your earnings weekly when you sign up for Direct Deposit. Advisors order their own products at the full retail price (so you have the same ordering experience your customers do) and then will receive earnings to be directly deposited into your bank account each week.
What support is available for new Advisors?
You’ll find support and encouragement from ME - Your Upline Advisor, in the items in your signup free gift bundle, on the New Advisor Facebook Group, within our helpful, go-at-your-own-pace Advisor-only My Courses, from our Advisor Success Coaches and from our Customer Service Team. You’ll also have a full suite of marketing resources available at your fingertips.
If I want to start fast, what should I do?
First, pat yourself on the back — that is great! I will help if you need anything! And once you’ve signed up you’ll receive a series of emails to help you with next steps, including joining the New Advisor Facebook Group.
Is Creative Memories a direct sales company?
Yes. In our social selling model, Creative Memories Advisors run their businesses their own way, earning 10-40% on product orders. They can have a team one level deep and earn 2-8% on their team members’ sales. Some ask if Creative Memories could be considered an MLM, or multi-level marketing company and the answer to that is a definitive “no” because our earnings plan has one level. We also run a transparent business with no order minimums. If you sign up to become an Advisor, you are an Advisor as long as you choose to renew. Our social selling plan allows our Independent Advisors to grow at their own pace: start a business with a small group of scrapbookers, family and friends, grow your own social media or YouTube business using your affiliate link or host weekend retreats with 100+ attendees. Because you can grow a team at Creative Memories, you can grow as a leader and teach the women around you to excel in their own businesses. Our business model offers the best of everything: earn on your sales and develop a customer base and/or team to create the community that our Advisors say “fills their cup” and creates lifelong friendships. Best of all, do it your way.
Do Advisors have to pay taxes on their earnings?
Advisors are independent business owners, so in the U.S., if they meet the threshold for annual earnings, they are issued a 1099-NEC. You can find more information here.
If an Advisor’s Account Balance is annual, what happens after your first year?
Your first year is the year to build your balance, which is built by your orders and your customers’ orders. Then beginning your second year, your Account Balance begins “rolling.” This means it is based on your last 365 days of sales, so as each new day comes, the orders from that day the year prior rolls off. If you would like more detail on how the Account Balance works, you’ll want to check out this helpful video.
Do Advisors renew annually?
Yes. If you are not set up for auto-renewal, as you near the end of your first year as an Advisor, you will have the opportunity to renew and the system will send you reminders. Once you renew ($49), you will receive $25 in CM Credits to use on your next product purchase.
If I have more questions, who should I ask?
I’d love to hear from you! Please email and and I will answer your questions and help you out.